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230 over I'm currently at Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina I worked with a 69 air communications water today my domains of culture brief and will be on technology and material more specifically closer to the technology aspect of it, but we will touch on the material aspects one source of technology that we use is the communication piece a lot of people look at technology in today's world as we communicate over computers with email and radios and things of that nature, but that's not all we use that's not all we have this horse technology within the military today we will talk about acquiring technology equipment changes with the technology that we use within the military as how we communicate with technology across the world as well as in the military how do we acquire technology equipment within the military I'm sure everyone here especially sergeant Jeffries can attest to acquire an equipment and go on with the lowest bidder things of that nature and that can kind of get frustrating sometimes, but that's just kind of how it is within the military one of the companies that the military uses to acquire equipment is BMV electronics manufacturing program article by Army technology comm BNB electronics include project managers hardware engineers and quality assurance engineers that take our military communication products from concept through design implementation test and production what are some of the challenges that we encounter with our technology across all services we try to communicate as efficiently as we can, but sometimes we come across aspects where air force doesn't speak our me language or marine a Navy or Coast Guard as time has gone on we have gotten better on how we communicate across the service and that has enabled our work by an effort to be more reliable and be more security some of the upgrades that we have encountered over the last 50 years is comm set with within radios, and you know if you didn't the information out of the enemy's hands as well as how we stand and receive electronic messages which is email everybody can attest to get in the email not being able to open it because there's a little encryption symbol which is which actually is safer and secure because it keeps the amount of information at it in its hands speaking of sending information over electronic messages that's one way that we use technology to communicate with some advantages of using technology to communicate we have radios like I said as well as computers in an article title of electronic systems by Northrop Grumman comm there now is a modular control and reporting platform available for teams to use while tracking aircraft activity during multiple air surveillance scenarios that is just another aspect of how we use technology to win the work by an effort we have communicating tools as well as tracking tools to determine friendly and enemy coordinates to win the war by an effort that's why we all need to make sure that we stay up on the...
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